Friday, October 10, 2008

Environmentally Friendly Art

Being environmentally friendly is important to a lot of industries.

For one artist, his steel sculpture which is petrochemical and VOC free, not only is environmentally friendly in and of itself, it symbolizes the changes made in the industry that commissioned the work.

Mark Leichliter took two years to create a 25 foot tall sculpture that represents classic symbols for electricity (lightning bolts) and water (rain drops). These two pieces now adorn the City of Loveland's Service Center--the home of the Water and Power departments.

The artist admits there were other options that would have been even more environmentally friendly, but they would not have stood up to the strenght and durability requirements that are also emblematic of water and power.

In addition to the sculptures, Xeriscape gardens will be planted and portland-cement-based stucco for finishing the walls that embrace the sculptures, all designed to lower the impact on the environment.

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