Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Trompe L'oeil

Maybe I am so fascinated by Trompe L'Oeil art because it looks so 3 dimensional...not sure...or maybe it is just because I love when I see it well done...

Anyway, here is another fantastic Trompe L'Oeil artist...this time a fellow named John Pugh who paints murals.

Start at his home page and then go to see various murals...and I love the Upcoming link because it gives you a great look into the initial sketches and concepts, not just the finished product.



Elle said...

Wow! thanks for sharing such beautiful artwork!

I'm impressed at your ability to maintain THREE blogs, I have a hard time following through with one!

Laurie Tossy said...

Thanks Elle! I don't get to post as often as I "should" perhaps...but having such diverse interests it makes sense to have different blogs for each one...I get accused of having multiple personalities as it is! LOL