Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Connecting with Other Sculptors

Sculpting, for me at least, is a rather solitary experience. I typically am in my small studio by myself--me and a lot of rocks, that is!

So it was with great pleasure that I got a phone call inviting me to attend a meeting of a group of stone sculptors from our region.

It was a social event, and I got the opportunity to meet new people and catch up with friends I rarely see. We talked about lots of things--stones, tools, tips, studios, and even some topics not sculptural at all!

Check out your area to see if you have a group that you can meet with from time to time. It may be a group that is very specialized, like this one, or it may be broader to include all sculptors, or it may be a group for artists of all media. Any of these types of groups can be helpful for idea exchange, inspiration, tips and pointers, and friendship!

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