Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Ornaments by Loveland Sculptors

One of the wonderful traditions Loveland, Colorado has is offering special Christmas ornaments every year. This tradition started 20 years ago with the first ornament created by Cammie Lundeen.

Lundeen loves sculpting horses and was invited to create this year's ornament in honor of the 20th anniversary. Of course she chose to create some loving and lovely horses for this tree trimmer.

Ornaments are available at many stores for $25, or by mail for $30 (which includes the shipping and handling.) But don't expect to get the original for any where close to that--only 600 were made and they are a hot collectible now, with one selling recently for $1000!

To order by mail, send your $30 check to Winter Holiday Council, PO Box 2274, Loveland, CO 80539. Proceeds from the sale of the ornaments pay for holiday displays all around Loveland.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Carving Out Santa

A Loveland couple has amassed an extensive collection of hand carved wooden Santas.

What makes this collection even more amazing is that they created them, all 130 of them, themselves! Jim Siegl is the carver and Helen paints the figures.

They are beautiful and filled with all sorts of details...what a great hobby they have created for themselves.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gratitude Book

I am super excited to finally be able to let the cat out of the bag...this project has been so much fun and so fulfilling...and for this next part I need YOUR help TODAY, Wednesday, Dec. 15

I have been honored to be asked to be a co-author of an incredible new book: "The Gratitude Book Project: Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude" and we are going for an ambitious goal--to become an Amazon best-seller!

So if you are looking for an inspiring book, either for yourself or as a gift for a loved one, please consider this book that will provide that inspiration day after day--all year long!

And, feel good about your purchase for another reason: 100% of the proceeds from the Amazon sales go to 4 worthwhile charities! That's right, 100%--we don't get a dime!

The goal is to get as many sales as possible on Wednesday, Dec. 15 in order to hit that best-seller mark. Why is that so important? Well, best-seller status will get us a lot of traction and help us earn more money for these worthy charities.

So who gets the money?
We have selected four non-profits to receive the proceeds from our sales on Amazon:

* ASPCA for the prevention of animal abuse
* FeedingAmerica
* Make-a-Wish
* Women for Women International

How do I order?
Ordering the book is easy,just go to Amazon and search for "The Gratitude Book Project" or you can click on this link that will take you directly there:

This book is special to me because it really helps remind us of all the things that we do have to be grateful for...things we often over look. Some simple things and some really big ones, too--like YOU!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mysterious Sculpture

Imagine waking up and looking out your window and seeing a sculpture. Cool, right? Well, what if it appeared overnight without your knowledge?

Turns out that's what happened to a woman in Boulder...for the 2nd time!

Read this article for more details...I was amazed.

Don't want to spoil the end, but it's too bad it won't stay there long.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ice Sculpture and Bowling

Ice sculptors in Loveland got into the act, too, during the festivities this week...

Even creating a little bowling alley where you could knock down pins with a frozen chicken which turned out to be a hit with the kids!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Snow Sculpture Competition in Loveland

Loveland had a snow sculpture competition this year for the first time in...well, I don't know how long. So of course, we probably had the warmest December to date on record! Snow had to be made from local ponds (one of the sculptors told me the snow smelled fishy) and trucked in.

Concrete forms were set up to hold the snow, which was loaded in and then packed down by volunteers. After a day to set, the forms were removed and the blocks of dirty snow were revealed. I noticed large air pockets, which the sculptors called "cancer"...fortunately for this competition they were allowed to help the blocks a little and use "slurry" to fill in voids if necessary.

The snow was rapidly melting in our 50+ degree weather...but the sculptors, using a variety of tools came out with their maquettes and drawings and started to carve.

The works gradually began to take shape over a couple of days as the sculptors worked...

Things were looking pretty grim on Friday...the wind was strong which can erode the sculpture and the temperatures were so warm it was not possible to get to work on the detail.

But, sculptors are intrepid and many stayed up all night or came early on the (thankfully for them) cold Saturday morning...

...and by Saturday evening masterpieces were revealed!

all in all, the event was a big success!

Monday, November 22, 2010

New Zealand Arts in My Thoughts

New Zealand is a beautiful country and I met so many wonderful people while I traveled there years ago.

My thoughts are with them as the rebuild Christchurch after the earthquake that devastated the historic downtown region and now with the miners trapped due to the explosion in the mine.

As lives, families and cities are rebuilt, it takes the combined efforts and positive thoughts of us all to bring the best possible outcome given the circumstances beyond our control. Truly, many of these people are going through a horrific time--one that we would not wish upon anyone.

Rebuilding the cities will be the easier task. It is time-consuming, but they are blessed to have an abundance of beautiful stone (Oamaru stone is great for both sculpture and buildings) and talented artisans for reconstruction. There are options as to whether they choose to rebuild in the style of that which was lost or go for a new look altogether as Napier did years ago when it was destroyed. That city was rebuilt in the then contemporary style (Art Deco) and is a testament of how we can take advantage of a tragedy and turn it into a time capsule of sorts...creating an artistic and historic snapshot of a different era.

Lives and families are not so easily reassembled, and my thoughts are with all who have been touched by these disasters. May you know peace, love and beauty in your lives.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Seiferts Sculpt Steel and Land

Ed and Barb Seifert are former neighbors of mine...they also happen to be landscape designers and sculptors residing in northern Colorado.

Funny thing is when we were neighbors neither of us was actively working in sculpture.

I run into them at the Loveland Sculpture Invitational...and it is always great to see their work and catch up on what they are doing and how much their kids have grown. It just doesn't seem possible that it has been that many years, but when I learn where the kids are these days it makes me realize that my gray hairs are not premature!

Each of the pieces the artistic duo creates is unique. They often combine steel construction with water, whether free standing or a pond, and glass or stone...the natural and the man-made coexisting in harmony.

One of their pieces, "River Chimes" is an example of this harmony. The work is installed here in Loveland, at the Medical Center of the Rockies and features stone and steel in the form of posts and pipes.

Ed and Barb are extremely talented, as well as wonderful folks. Visit their site to see their landscape design, the nursery and of course, their sculpture. You can even arrange an appointment to see their private sculpture garden...but do call ahead! 303 772-1888

Friday, November 12, 2010

Test for Limestone or Marble

My cousin was here recently as he drove cross country...moving from Florida to California. Since he was a geologist in a "former" life it was fun to have him help me with some of my stones.

I confess I find stones that I think are pretty and I frequently don't know what they are! What kind of sculptor is that? Truth is, I'm more interested in how they carve and what they look like...but it is good to know what it is in case I like it and want to get more!

He told me that I can do a simple test to determine if my pieces are Limestone or Marble.

Take plain vinegar and place a drop on the stone. If it "fizzes" you have Limestone or Marble.

An alternate test is to, in place of the vinegar, use muriatic acid (you can get it from a swimming pool supply store.)

Sometimes with the limestone you have to have some stone powder rather than the solid rock...I'm not sure why, but I'm the carver cousin not the scientist!

Haven't tried it yet, but I have a couple rocks that I want to run the test on. It'll be interesting to see how it works out.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Back in the Studio

Having injured my shoulder (don't ask me how, because I don't know) I have not been able to be in the studio much for the past 6 months.

I've been busy with trips home to see my mother who was having some health issues...she seems to be pretty stable and accepting some help now, so that is good.

This week I have actually gotten in the studio twice! I am so happy.

Have a new little bird that I carved. Really I suppose it was more whittled since I'm not really up to hammer and chisel. Small piece of soft serpentine. Very easy to work.

I've done all the sanding, now I'm letting her dry. Then I'll see if I like what I've done or if I want to change any of the texture before I polish her and decide on her base.

Originally I had thought I would have a wall mounted piece as she is thin and really one sided. Now that she is done I'm thinking she would look great perched on a rock. I found a piece of igneous stone that would be a nice contrast. I'll have to think about that!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Arts As Important As Food

There is a Persian proverb that says:
If you have but two coins, use one for bread to feed the body and the other for hyacinths to feed the soul.
Beauty in all forms has long been known to promote health and happiness. This beauty may be in the form of flowers or man-made art, whether that be in the form of film, music, live performances, painting, poetry, or my personal favorite, sculpture.

According to researcher Dan Buettner in his latest book, Thrive,

Art, like flowers, nourishes the soul. Happy people usually have access to art...and live in places that are attractive to the eye. A city must provide venues for artists to create and exhibit their work...
One of the examples given in Thrive as a city doing a good job of this is the town of my alma mater, San Luis Obispo, California. It seems that students had good reasons for wanting to stick around this beautiful, inspiring, and art-nurturing city!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Loveland Sculpture Invitational Change in Schedule

This year there is a change in the schedule for the Loveland Sculpture appears it will not be open on Friday (which is a shame) but the good news is that if you want to see the fantastic works on Friday you can by attending the opening gala. Tickets are $25 for a pair and include wine, beer and food as well as the sneak preview of all the wonderful art.

You can get tickets at the website or at the door on Friday August 6th. The event runs from 4-8pm.

If we don't see you there, come on by on Saturday or Sunday. Admission to the show is still only $5. The show hours are 9:30am-6:00pm on Saturday and 9:30am-4:30pm on Sunday!

See ya!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Da Vinci Painted It All By Himself?

It has long been known that many of the great masters had teams of assistants who helped create the masterpieces we enjoy to this day. The assistants often had specialties...some might paint clouds, others rocks, etc.

Leonardo Da Vinci was no exception.

His painting, "Virgin of the Rocks" has long been thought to have been painted with a team of assistants. Recently the painting was cleaned and it is now believed that the master painted this one all by himself.

So if a team helped paint a masterpiece...does that make it any less masterful? If the "painter" is more or less a director does that make him any less a maestro? Is the ensemble method of art only valid in music and theater or large scale projects such as Christo's that would be physically impossible for a single person to accomplish?

These are interesting questions for artists and art lovers to ponder.

An artist is the visionary and the driving force to have the vision brought into reality.

Does that mean that perhaps the artist does not need to personally have any skill with brush, chisel or other tool?

After all, there are many artisans who have technical skills but lack the creative vision to bring something unique to life.

Perhaps the artist does have the skills necessary (as of course Da Vinci did) but lacks the time to breath life into all the visions that exist in his mind's eye. Thus using a team to bring the pieces forth benefits all...the artist, the team and the world.

I'd love to hear thoughts from other artists and art lovers on this...for example, if you bought an oil painting by a particular artist and learned that he or she didn't actually do all the painting on the canvas, would that matter to you? Would it have less value monetarily or spiritually for you?

If you'd to read more about the cleaning of the Da Vinci that insp, click here.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Finger Painting on iPad

This is an amazing demonstration of what a talented artist can do with latest technology.

The video is just under 8 minutes in length. Entire process took about 3 hours.

Now, how can I use the iPad to carve stone???

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New Zealand Gallery Annual Sale

If you happen to be in New Zealand this month, be sure to stop by the Birdwoods Gallery in Hawkes Bay. They are having their annual sale so it is a great opportunity to buy some art to go with fine wine from the region.

Birdwoods has a nice collection of Shona stone sculpture along with metal pieces. In November 2009, Louise and Bruce converted an additional paddock into a beautiful sculpture walk with extensive olive tree plantings. Visitors follow a meandering mown path to view a further display of stone sculptures, as well as the life size metal giraffes and crocodiles. Sizes and prices range to fit every budget and suitcase (or shipping container.)

Birdwoods also has a Sweet Shop to tempt you as you stroll the literally they have something for every taste!

Birdwoods Gallery, Sculpture
Garden and Sweet Shop

Welcome to Birdwoods -

a very special place in the heart of beautiful Hawke's Bay. Set in the countryside just 3km from Havelock North village, Birdwoods Gallery and its small companion, the Birdwoods Sweet Shop, are a 'must see' for all visitors and locals.

Opened in February 2005 by Bruce and Louise Stobart, Birdwoods Gallery features sculpture and decorative arts from both local and African artists. The gallery's home is the original church hall from St Peter's in Waipawa dating from the late 1800’s which Bruce and Louise moved to its new home on Middle Road in 2004. The old hall has since been surrounded with a beautiful sculpture garden.

Right next door to Birdwoods Gallery is the Birdwoods Sweet Shop, an old fashioned sweet shop 'just like you remember' housed in a charming one room colonial cottage made from reclaimed materials. Opened in December 2006, the cottage is a treasure trove of old fashioned sweets, lemonade, sherbet, fudge, ice creams and other novelties.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

2010 Colorado Governor's Invitational Art Show Going On Now

The 2010 Colorado Governor's Invitational Art Show and Sale is now happening at the Loveland Museum.

This is an excellent opportunity to see some of the best paintings and sculptures from our talented Colorado artists.

This show started 32 years ago, moving to the Loveland Museum in 1990. These days, more than 4,000 people from across the country attend the show. (Don't fear...that's not all at once!)

The show's director is Judy Archibald and she says, "This show is one of the most prestigious exhibits of original art in the entire western United States." Her goal in selecting the pieces was to show talent and a variety of media.

The show opened last Saturday. 58 Colorado artists are featured with a maximum of 4 pieces in the show. The artists are professionals, from all across Colorado.

Beyond being an excellent show, the exhibit is a fundraiser for the Loveland Rotary and Thompson Valley Rotary with proceeds going to scholarships for art students in Loveland and Berthoud, Colorado, and helping local organizations including Habitat fro Humanity and House of Neighborly Service.

The local Rotary clubs provide the volunteers who are present at the show every day to answer question.

This is a great show to attend if you are an art student looking to learn and gather inspiration. As an artist, it is also a great show to see what your contemporaries are doing and maybe learn and be inspired, too! And, if you are an art collector, this is an opportunity for you to expand your Colorado art collection and help a lot of deserving people and organizations in the process!

The Loveland Museum is located at 503 N. Lincoln Ave, Loveland, Colorado.

The show is free and runs through Sunday, May 30.

For more information call 970-962-2410 or visit

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sculptor Fritz White Dies After Long Illness

Loveland lost one of her great sculptors this week when Fritz White died after a long illness.

Like many artists who now live in Loveland, White moved here to be close to the art foundry that was essential to his creations.

Fritz White was one of the founding 5 members of the Sculpture in the Park event that happens each August in Benson Sculpture Park. This annual event started in 1985 with just 50 artists and is now the largest juried outdoor sculpture exhibition in the country and has sales of over $1 million.

I never had the honor of meeting the sculptor in person, but have seen works by this gifted artist around our in particular cannot be missed as you drive north or south on US 287, "Winning the Iron Shirt" which depicts one Native American claiming the war shield from his defeated opponent.

One year when I exhibited at the rival/sister show (depending on who you talk to) Sculpture Invitational I was seated next to a fine sculptor who had studied with White. Greg Todd told me that Fritz made all the difference to him when he said (and I roughly paraphrase!) that art is all about the creating...selling anything is a bonus.

Fritz White left behind a wonderful legacy of art, a fabulous show, many friends and admirers. We can honor him best by creating our work and living our lives to the fullest as he did. As his wife, Ina, said, "Show your work and be proud...Just do it. That's his legacy. He just wanted everyone to just do it."

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Investing in Indian Art: Motivations to Invest in Art

I found this to be an interesting article about art as an investment, particularly in light of the recent record-breaking auction prices! Art as an investment is back...not that it really ever went away, but sales until very recently had been a bit less than to be hoped for.

Investing in Indian Art: Motivations to Invest in Art

One of the biggest points about investing in art is that you must do for reasons other than hoping to score 1.4 million dollars later from a piece you bought for 1400 hundred. Art is so subjective and the art world has been known to be fickle. Be sure when you buy art you get educated, but also be sure that you love what you buy. Hopefully you will have your art on your walls or in the halls for many, many years to come. Purchasing art that brings you pleasure is the only way to have an assured dividend from this investment!

Friday, January 1, 2010

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