Saturday, September 13, 2008

Testing Stones for Carving, Part 2

Yesterday we covered the initial visual observation "test", today we will move on to a test involving a different sense--that of hearing!

Keep in mind that no test is 100%, that said, here goes.

This is the first test I was taught--I take my point and tap the stone lightly all over. Some people use a hammer, the theory is the same. Listen to the stone as you tap it. You are listening for a bright, clear sound. If you hear more of a "thud" or if it sounds kind of hollow, you don't want that stone. We call it "dead."

Try the tapping technique on several stones and listen to the differences.

This is good a time to mention that you should ALWAYS listen to your stones. Know what your stone sounds like when you start and listen to any changes that occur as you work it. You may be coming up on a hidden flaw that could destroy your piece if you ignore the sound change!

Your stones literally "talk" to you as you work. Part of your job as the sculptor is to listen.

Tomorrow we will talk about one more visual test for our stones.

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