Saturday, November 13, 2010

Seiferts Sculpt Steel and Land

Ed and Barb Seifert are former neighbors of mine...they also happen to be landscape designers and sculptors residing in northern Colorado.

Funny thing is when we were neighbors neither of us was actively working in sculpture.

I run into them at the Loveland Sculpture Invitational...and it is always great to see their work and catch up on what they are doing and how much their kids have grown. It just doesn't seem possible that it has been that many years, but when I learn where the kids are these days it makes me realize that my gray hairs are not premature!

Each of the pieces the artistic duo creates is unique. They often combine steel construction with water, whether free standing or a pond, and glass or stone...the natural and the man-made coexisting in harmony.

One of their pieces, "River Chimes" is an example of this harmony. The work is installed here in Loveland, at the Medical Center of the Rockies and features stone and steel in the form of posts and pipes.

Ed and Barb are extremely talented, as well as wonderful folks. Visit their site to see their landscape design, the nursery and of course, their sculpture. You can even arrange an appointment to see their private sculpture garden...but do call ahead! 303 772-1888

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