Sunday, August 5, 2007

Yes, Stones Break

One of my stones must have also felt the stress of only a few days remaining before the big show. As I put my chisel gently to it I was suddenly, unintentionally, the proud owner of 2 pieces of marble rather than one.

Things like this happen when you choose to carve stone. Sometimes there is a flaw that runs through the piece that you just didn't catch. Other times we push the stone further than it wants to go.

My philosophy is that it just wasn't meant to be. Perhaps one day I will have 2 nice sculptures instead of only one. Probably they will be better individually than they would have been as one piece because obviously the stone didn't want to be least, not that one!

For now, I have put them on the shelf. I look at them. Surprising even myself, I am not saddened or shocked or angry...resigned is the best description. I know that this is a gift.

Stones are like people. Sometimes, no matter how gentle you are, it just doesn't work out. Some people also have huge cracks running deep inside them, and they do such a good job at covering them up you don't realize it is even there...

So I moved on and worked on a different piece. I realize now that gift in the first piece breaking is that I worked with this other stone. While I was working on it, I had the most incredible energy and calm. The stone and I had a great communion. It was a wonderful day.

Life is grand, broken stones and all.

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